OR CALL 833-RESCUE1 (737-2831)
Your Gift rescues lives.
Meeting the needs of 5 to 17 Year Old Safe Refuge Students
$35.00 a month can save a life. As hard as it may be to fathom, in the Philippines, many very young children work instead of going to school and for the 100,000 Filipino children trapped in the sex industry education is an impossible dream. Whether it's the sex-industry or extreme poverty, there are many obstacles for these little ones in getting an education. Help remove these obstacles and offer the hope of a different life and a new beginning!
A Day in the Life
Whether a day, half day, quarter day, or an hour of Safe operation we want to connect your donation to the specific impact.

Poor nutrition and lack of fluoride in the water contribute to dental disease and complications. An abscessed tooth or cavity left untreated can actually be a breeding ground for bacteria that can go to valves in the heart and cause irreversible damage. Still, dental care is often low on the priority list in extreme poverty and we want to be able to meet those needs and see health restored!
Orthodontic care is definitely a very rare luxury in extreme poverty but it's very sad when a young girl won't smile because she is ashamed of her teeth. On average a braces treatment plan costs around $500 a year and we would love to be able to invest that in a young ladies self esteem. The mere fact that we say she is worth the investment speaks huge volumes to her heart and accomplishes even more than a healthy beautiful smile ever could!
Land to BUILD and be HOME
Safe Refuge is ready to expand our territory and build a home that uniquely suits our needs. We need people with a heart to be a part of the physical building and buying of land so we can exist for future generations and help more treasured lives build a new!
Trauma Therapy
Most of the women and children are living in our homes because they have experienced severe trauma.
Mental healthcare is often very low on the priority list in extreme poverty. With that psychiatric medicines are considered an impossibility but we believe they can be an important tool in a healing journey.
We try to comfort survivors with trauma focused therapy and if necessary medications.
Tuberculosis Treatment
TB is an infectious bacterial disease that mainly affects the lungs.
20th in the world for fatal cases of TB, the Philippines has 286,544 new cases reported yearly.
Basic antibiotics effectively cure TB however lack of access led to to 14,000 deaths from TB in the Philippines alone last year.
Emergency Medical Care
Often when we receive new residents into our homes they have urgent medical needs. Additionally medical emergencies as a part of life happen in our homes. From Asthma attacks to critical antibiotics needed for infections, your gift towards emergency medical needs helps lives survive to thrive.